
Showing posts from May, 2014

Kindle edition now out!

The Mirror Image of Sound sales continue to climb.  And now the Kindle version is out! If you're a Kindle reader, don't miss out!  You can order it here .  Remember that if you've bought a printed version, you can get the Kindle version for only an extra $2.99! Also you'll find the novel on Amazon generally now that the data has propagated through Amazon's system.  Check it out here (although I'd encourage you to buy it via this website's link since you'll be giving more of the royalty to me and less to Amazon!). Thanks all for your support.  It's been amazing!

The Mirror Image of Sound now on sale!!!

The Mirror Image of Sound is now on sale!  Buy a paperback version using this link . The Kindle version is still being prepared and I'll keep you posted when it becomes available!

Corrected cover images following proof

Following work by my talented photographer colleague Peta, the cover image has been corrected to remove the blots from the dice.

Proof copies arrive in the mail!

It arrived today - the box of proof copies!  Exciting stuff!  Not long before it's available for purchase!

Printer's proof ordered!

I'm awaiting 2 copies of the printer's proof next Friday!